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Persian Advieh

Persian Advieh

RM 25.00

Advieh, the aromatic Persian spice blend is fragrant & gently warming, with layers of extraordinary aromas. The spice is sweet, savory and tart. It’s great for rice, meat, poultry & stew dishes. Our blend of Advieh, suitable for both rice & stew creates comforting, delicious meals, just like grandma’s cooking. 

The uses of the Athene Spices are only limited by your imagination. So imagine away, tease and tantalize your taste buds.

How to use

Use Advieh in making Persian dishes such as Khoresht, Polow, Abgoosht, kebab and Ash-e. Perfect as dry rub or marinade on meats and seafood. try sprinkling on salads, veggies, pasta, eggs or even desserts to take the dish to the next level.

Store in a cool, dry place.